Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Like the old days

Yet another scorcher!  I'd arranged a Keep Oban Beautiful session at the Corran Halls to sort out the flower bed and adjacent terrace. Unfortunately only two of us turned up, so we were rather limited in what we could do, though we did get the whole bed weeded - it's longer than it looks, at over 5 metres and full of tree saplings. We then spread 18 bags of leaf mould and almost a tonne of topsoil and got some of the paving weeded. It's going to take longer than I thought.  A friend came by and I persuaded him to give us a hand - my Blip today - and he promised to come back on Monday afternoon to do some more. Just like the old days before retirement!
An almost cloudless sky all day, apart from two minutes this morning when a tiny cloud floated in front of the sun. Otherwise not a single cloud all day - I wonder what caused that! 

Quote of the Day: 'How sweet to be a cloud. Floating in the blue!’ - A. A. Milne.

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