Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Bee on Verbena

No walk today, I spent most of my time gardening.  There's a lot more begging to be managed, but I'm very pleased with what I got done.  It has rained once or twice, but most of the time the sun's been shining, which brought a lot of insects to the flowers.  This (buff-tailed?) bee was on the verbena rigida which badly needed tying up.  I also cut the grass, hacked back some of the larger shrubs and filled the pots at the front with cyclamen and heathers from the market.  A very satisfying day, even if my muscles do ache rather ;))

So that's been my Saturday.  I don't mean to do anything else much except look at your journals.  A book and an early night beckon..

Enjoy your Saturday evening, whatever you're doing  xx

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