Another Day

By BlackTulip


Woburn this morning and I managed to get over there for 9.30 a.m.  I’m not an early riser.  We all met up for beverages etc., to fortify us through the challenges that had been set by H.  I have to admit to not being enthused by the topics but may just scrape some images together.  What you don’t want is to,win the competition or you have to chose the venue and topics next year.

With the weather warm and sunny a few of us headed into the deer park and were rewarded with one mature stag and a juvenile alongside the pond, so good photography opportunities.  I’ve added a few extras.

Afterwards we sat in the pub garden for drinks and a chat before heading home.  I was just putting the key in the door when I felt some heavy drops of rain and then the heavens opened and the thunder roared.  The garden won’t need watering tonight.

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