
By TonyG

Have Crocus. Will Travel!

I don't usually do this but as Crocus vallicola was just coming into flower on the day I set off, I popped a couple of pots into a box and brought them along with me.  A valley dwelling crocus from the mountains of Turkey, it is one that I have only flowered occasionally over the thirty plus years I have been growing them.  It is one that prefers not to dry out too much, so wasn't so easy in dry old Norfolk but should do better here.  These were raised from seed sown in 2020, not so long after I moved to Wales.

A quiet day with mum and Ruth.  Chris, who has been here for a while, has been out all day.  I cooked a roast dinner for us and then, as we dozed afterwards, another brother, Steve arrived with his wife Jackie and we had a nice catch up sitting outside on the covered patio.   

One more day in London to come.

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