For the family

By RonaMac

Wet, wet, wet

It rained with a vengeance this afternoon. My moaning about the drainage problems in our back garden were justified. I now have some decent evidence if the builder tries to wriggle out of responsibility.

It has been a good day. I was invited to the 65th birthday party of one of my sewing pals. The afternoon weather was initially beautiful, so we able to sit out in the garden for the first 3 hrs until I got a text message from B to say a storm was heading in our direction. We quickly moved everything back into the house and turned on the music. 1960’s onwards !!!! There was plenty of dancing round the kitchen. Great fun. Pics in extra

There was a break in the weather so I headed home to face the next deluge. 

We were pleased that the end cap was refitted to the guttering earlier in the week, otherwise the water would have been directed at the garage door and driveway. 

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