Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Concrete mixing

No sun today, but the rain held off till the evening, so we managed to get the concrete mixed and sloshed around the feet of the polytunnel skeleton.  So it is now firmly attached to the ground.

Afterwards, I washed the outside of all the downstairs windows*, whilst W played with a new toy, cutting the grass around all our young trees.  Husky deals with most of the grass, but cannot get quite all the way to the trees.

W made a dahl for dinner, and I harvested green beans just before the rain started - we've had a really good crop this year - there's at least one more serving.

*  We've been trying, currently unsuccessfully, to find a window cleaner who will come every few months to do this job.  I can manage the downstairs windows, but the upstairs windows are more of a problem.

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