
By RadioGirl


Although I had lunch with about 15 or so people today, I wasn’t able to get a photo of them from a low angle for the Mono Monday challenge, so a pretty shot of some white oleander in someone’s front garden on the way home will have to do. Although we had an incredibly heavy cloudburst in the small hours for a little while, the rain has held off here in Tiptree all day, and it’s been quite mild. I saw pictures on Facebook of a really flooded Chesham (which I’ve recently moved away from). It’s in a valley with a river, and has always had flooding issues, but it looked particularly bad today as was most of the Chilterns area. I did feel for all my friends there, because driving around some of it became impossible for a time until the excess water had drained away again.

I chipped away at a bit more of the wardrobe sorting before going along to the lunch. I had intended to do some more this afternoon, but the post arrived and I opened a letter which had been sent to me here in Tiptree from a legal firm on behalf of British Gas. It accused me of not paying a bill for the electricity supply at an address in Colchester which is absolutely nothing to do with me. I don’t even buy my electricity through British Gas, and never have done. I have now wasted three hours speaking to both the legal firm and British Gas to get my name and address removed from this unknown account and have the case closed. Thus, depressingly, my three-decades-long trials and tribulations with British Gas continue. They are the most incompetent company I’ve ever had the displeasure of dealing with, and this time I was just trundling along minding my own business!! I can’t even be bothered to start a complaints procedure with them, because it would probably lead to further mistakes on their part and create even more hassle. Utterly useless!

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