
By ayearinthelife

Climbing Up The Walls

In Sorrento, there are two ways of ascending from the harbour to the town. One is to take the lift (which we did yesterday), the other is to walk up the ramp carved into the cliff face. We would usually opt for the lift every time, but everybody else had the same idea and there was a massive queue. As it wasn’t as warm as it had been, we decided to give the ramp a go.
Mrs C had a head start while I took the picture, but you can see how far there is still to go to get to the top. We took it steadily and it wasn’t as bad as we feared.
We actually went in twice today, as the forecast wasn’t great. The morning was spent deciding which piece of marquetry we would like to buy and then not buying it! We were feeling quite tired at that point so headed back to the hotel for a rest.
Somewhat refreshed, we headed down again in the evening and firstly went to the harbour where we booked tickets for a boat trip to the Amalfi Coast tomorrow. Then we went back to the marquetry shop (via the 100m vertical ascent!!) where we discovered that the box we had wanted had been sold five minutes previously - gutted! But the owner went in the back and found one that was even nicer. She even said she’d do it for the same price as the one we originally wanted, if we paid cash. A quick sprint to a nearby ATM and back, and the deed was done.
There is still a storm forecast for later, but we should be tucked up in bed by then so will hopefully awake to a bright new day tomorrow.

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