
By ayearinthelife

A Room With A View

A very lazy day today, mostly spent sitting on our balcony, reading and listening to “Sounds of the 70s” - isn’t the internet a wonderful thing!
We did pop down into town briefly this morning to get something for lunch, but that was the limit of activity. And why go looking for sights when this is what we see every morning (and for the rest of the day obviously!) when we open the shutters.
Last year we had a room at the back of the hotel because we booked last minute. This year we had booked 11 months in advance and specified a balcony and a sea view. This picture was taken sitting on said balcony, so I think we can safely say we got what we booked - and how! Confession time though - it’s been a bit cloudy today so I’ve actually used a picture I took yesterday. The view hasn’t changed, it’s just the sky is a bit brighter in the photo so it looks clearer than the one I took today of the same scene.
There’s a bit of rain forecast for tomorrow so we may have to seek out indoor entertainment. Our balcony is covered though, so we could always sit outside and just look at the view again…

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