Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Excavation Project

This particular project started about a week ago when we were in the yard and Jax spotted a chipmunk sitting by its burrow inside the fence.  The chippie almost seemed to be taunting Jax.  And Jax, never one to let an insult go unanswered, ran to the spot and stuck his nose in the burrow entrance.  For context, a chipmunk burrow entrance is about the size of a golf ball.  Which is smaller than a certain brindle dog's nose.  Jax, who has never been a digger, lit into that hole with both front feet.  He made very little progress, but had mud caked on his feed and nose when I finally corralled him and got him inside.

For the last week, things have been at a detente.  Until today.  Perhaps a glare was cast or maybe an insult hurled...whatever case, Jax lit off to the corner of the yard and started digging as if he were building a tunnel in Juarez..  Knowing as I do that chippies always have multiple entrances to their tunnel networks, I knew there was absolutely zero chance of him actually catching a chipmunk, so I let him dig.  And of course I took a bunch of pics.  I love this one because you can see the dirt flying, his ears pitched forward, and (if you look closely) his very dirty nose.  He eventually wore himself out and trotted happily back up to the patio where he seemed quite pleased with himself.  Major toweling off before he came back inside.  Two more images in Extra - one just showing his fine form and the other with his head buried in the hole he'd dug.

I went to get my hair trimmed today and ended up with it much shorter than I'd planned.  Oh well.  It will grow.  And it may even be sort of cute in a 68-year old woman sort of way.

I also mailed a big box off to my friend in Alaska with two camera bodies, one lens, and a bunch of manuals, cables, etc.  I hope they bring him as much pleasure as they brought me.

I did a little yoga this afternoon - nothing formal, just some poses and stretches that my body was asking for along with some mindful breathing.  It is one of the things I like about yoga - that I can do just a little or I can do a full practice, either is fine.  

I think I will indulge in a bit of dark with dried cherries and nuts today.


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