
By TonyG

Cat Proof

Ruth's garden.   Thanks to some brackets and a lot of mesh.

It's dangerous to walk under when wet :-)

We did .... and all was fine until Ruth opened the back gate!

We were off to the hospital again, a follow up to last Thursday's appointment after tests threw up something treatable.  More tests and some antibiotics today.   After a rather garbled phone call last Friday, there were some details we needed to resolve before we went but thanks to a very helpful secretary and a very well timed phone call from the Doc we saw last week, all was in place for a quick hospital visit by midday.  

Jamie arrived in Bournville mid afternoon, on his way home from his travels.   He and I were on our way home soon after.  An uneventful journey, if slow until we were out of Brum.  The final leg from Jamie's to mine was somewhat delayed because someone had not closed the Gecko vivarium after tending to him while Jamie was away :-/   Don't ask who!!   He was located under the sofa and eventually coaxed out and returned to safety .... but someone was a lot later home than planned.

A very early start in the morning.   Off to get some zzz's now.

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