The Land of Flowers

We visited the Land of Flowers this morning for the first time in months and instead of buying plants which take delight in dying in the patio tubs while we are off jaunting, I bought a remainder book ' The Man in Seat 61' which is a guide to rail travel in Europe and beyond.

It occurred to me that instead of a Jet 2 flight to Budapest to visit Son #2, we could spend more of the kids's inheritance, and travel there by rail.
How exciting would that be, with no limits on hold baggage or leg room and a chance to see the countryside at a meaningful level.

Even if this journey doesn't happen, I will enjoy planning the possibility.

Since it is apparently 7 years since we last had a heatwave such as this, His Lordship and I looked back at his pictorial account of the summer of 2006 and discovered that we were in Eire then for a family wedding in County Wicklow and then went camping with our bikes up to County Cavan and had a week without any rain, and roads on which the tar was melting.
Heady days indeed - what a pity we had to wait 7 years for a repeat.

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