
By windychickens

Open House

Up and out promptly as it was our Open House at church today. I was in charge of the Bouncy Castle which I think is a win win job. People come and kids are happy and chatty and so it’s easy to talk to people you know and don’t know.

It was a busy happy time. Lots of people came. Lots said positive things. The Team were fabulous. God has blessed us today. Even the good weather was a God given blessing.

Soon after finishing though and with the bouncy castle collected and all cleared, Elbows wanted us to go and meet up with the team from Valleydale Church, Birmingham, Alabama. A large group have joined us for a week on Mission. They have been praying and supporting TSCC for a long time. So Elbows and I went for a quick smoothie and to share greetings with them. They’re an awesome bunch.

But we had to run on again as we were committed to a working supper in Sloane Square up in London. It was a lovely supper but I knew it would be a late one - shame as it’s NoaNoa’s last evening with us.

Got back just after midnight. We are a little tired. ;-))

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