Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Thrush and mystery object

I do think the thrush is a very dear bird.  This one was in the reserve late morning, sitting about on the edge of a path looking - it has to be said - a touch gormless!  It didn't want to move out of the way and seemed a little damp and lost.  I'm wondering, because of this and from looking at its beak, whether it's a this year's adolescent?

Another thing I saw and that really interested me is in Extras - a wet bag attached to a sallow leaf at about eye height (it was difficult to miss).  I touched it very gently and without damaging it.  Watery and jelly-like.  And are those brown 'crumbs' in its base insect larvae of some sort?  If any of you can tell me more about it I'd love to know!

The rest of the day has consisted of not very much.  I've done the washing, vacuumed, walked Bram and Hazel with K and finished the book on moths I've been reading.  Tomorrow I think I'll have to be more positive.

Take care and have a good evening  xx

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