Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Green Shieldbug

in a seedhead cup of wild carrot (Daucus carota).

When I spotted this shieldbug my first thought was how small it is.  However, with the help of Google I now know it's a 5 instar nymph (ie in its fifth and last baby stage before becoming fully adult).  The lumps on each shoulder contains it's developing wings.  I have to say I think this is a sad time to become an adult, just before the winter, but I have no idea what happens to them in the cold months.

Nice walk today.  It's been rather grey but actually dry.  And when not walking I've spent a long time on the phone to friends, which has been lovely.  Less lovely, I've been trying to sort out my money with the bank, which has been hassling.  I'm not complaining about the amount, just the complication of why it has got where it is  ;-/

I'm supposed to be cooking cauliflower cheese for the troops tonight, when I'd much rather be crawling into bed for an early night.

Sleep well  xx

PS: Thanks for all your ideas on yesterday's mystery extra.  The majority of opinion seems to be Joff's (and others) caddisfly egg/larvae sac, so I'm going with that ;))

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