Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Planting done

A better start to the day than expected - rain had been forecast a few days ago, but I watched the sun coming up over the hill when I got up. This morning I collected up all the plants which I intended to plant at the Corran Halls and loaded the car. After lunch I drove down to the Halls and offloaded them all, then set them out on the bed as best as I could. I’d included my Moso bamboo which is said to be able to reach 90ft - not in the foreseeable future, I hope! I left some space at the front for the polyanthus which I'd taken home the other day to get them out of the sun. Later on my friend Davie came along and did some more between-the-slabs weeding.
Having planted them all I went home to pick the polyanthus up and put them all in. If it had rained, then of course they would all have got a good watering, but as the sun shone I had to fill my watering can at the back of the Halls - many times! It's only a short-term planting and changes will have to be made later on, next year I expect, but it will do for now - my Blip today.
Chainsaw man was at it again today - he seems to have survived so far!
Quote of the Day about bamboo: 'The first year it sleeps, the second year it creeps, the third year it leaps’. - Popular saying.

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