
By tridral


Pererindod ~ Pilgrimage

“When I speak of poetry I am not thinking of it as a genre. Poetry is an awareness of the world, a particular way of relating to reality.”
― Andrei Tarkovski, (from “Sculpting in Time”)

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Un o fy nifaru gyda lleoliad Drala Jong yw nad ar lwybr bws neu drên. Dylwn i fod wedi meddwl am hyn ar y pryd pan roedden ni'n chwilio ar ganolfan enciliad. Felly pob taith fel pererindod. Mae'n fwy fel pererindod pan pethau mynd yn anghywir, fel heddiw.

Fel arfer rydyn ni'n dal y trên i Gaerfyrddin. Ond heddiw roedd rhaid i ni stopio yn Abertawe ac yn parhau i Gaerfyrddin ar y bws. Roedd llawer o ddryswch at yr orsaf a phopeth yn araf. Yn y diwedd Roedden ni'n eithaf hwyr cyrraedd yng Nghaerfyrddin a phenderfynon ni ymuno a'n ffrind oedd ar eu deintydd yn Llanbedr Pont Steffan.

Roedd yn daith ddiddorol a gwelon ni llawer o'r cefn gwlad Cymru. Roedden ni'n hapus i gyrraedd yn dŷ ein ffrind ac yn mynd i'r tafarn lleol i gael rhywbeth i'w fwyta.

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One of my regrets with Drala Jong's location is that it is not on a bus or train route. I should have thought of this at the time when we were looking for a retreat center. So every journey is like a pilgrimage. It's more like a pilgrimage when things go wrong, like today.

We usually catch the train to Carmarthen. But today we had to stop in Swansea and continue to Carmarthen by bus. There was a lot of confusion at the station and everything was slow. In the end We were quite late arriving in Carmarthen and we decided to join our friend who was at their dentist in Lampeter.

It was an interesting trip and we saw a lot of the Welsh countryside. We were happy to arrive at our friend's house and went to the local pub to get something to eat..

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Arwydd mewn ffenestr siop yn Llanbedr Pont Steffan (The Snail of Happiness) ( 'Gwlân, gwlân, pleidiol wyf i'm gwlân', seiliedig ar 'Gwlad, gwlad, pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad' (gyda gwallau gramadegol) yn yr Anthem Genedlaethol Cymru.

Description (English): A sign in a shop window (The Snail of Happiness) ( in Lampeter 'Wool, wool, I'm partial to my wool', based on 'Country, country, I am a partisan of my country' (with grammatical errors) in the National Anthem of Wales
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