
By TonyG

Little Pleasures

A complicated day.  An 8am delivery at work necessitated a very early start by my standards.  At 9 a message from Jamie's carer came in, unwell and unable to take him to riding.  I'm lucky to have a few very good friends and by 10 there was someone on the way to pick him up :-)   The management who need to agree and sign off the plan for Ruth's care until she's got a clean bill of health again are dragging their heels which means no-one can come in to help for the moment :-(    Messages ongoing through the day did not deliver any progress.  She can have people run errands for her, so a shopping delivery arrived with paper plates and cups - no-one coming in to wash up - but the person delivering stood across the driveway having left the bags on the step.  Crazy given that the problem is not airborne.

So a day of distractions although not ones that impacted my work thankfully.  An averagely busy day for the time of year, busy morning, quiet afternoon.  The latter appreciated as it meant one of the others could finish early and get home to care for someone who needed it.  One of those days all round!

After work a run at the ball field for Meg.  Food for me.  Singing this evening which lifted my spirits as always :-)

These bramble flowers caught my eye while out with Meg.  They'll not make fruit so late in the year but gave me pleasure nonetheless.

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