
By tridral

Diwrnod da (er glawog)

Diwrnod da (er glawog) ~ Good day (although rainy)

“Good photography... It’s just about seeing. You either see, or you don’t see. The rest is academic. Photography is simply a function of noticing things. Nothing more.”
― Elliott Erwitt

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Ar ôl diwrnod difrifol ddoe, roedd heddiw yn fwy calon ysgafn. Derbynyn ni dysgeidiaethau newydd o'n hathrawon ac yn treulio rhai o amser cymdeithasol gyda'n gilydd. Mae pobol wedi dod o leoedd dros ledled Ewrop ac yr Unol Daleithiau, felly roedd pwysig inni ddod adnabod ein gilydd dydyn ni ddim yn ein gweld yn aml.

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After a serious day yesterday, today was more light hearted. We would receive new teachings from our teachers and spend some social time together. People have come from all over Europe and the United States, so it was important for us to get to know each other, we don't see each other often.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Glaw ac adlewyrchiad ar gar
Description (English): Rain and reflection on a car
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