welcome to the real world

By dobbin

Day 30 in England

Shan was awake first this morning, which has never happened before?! She was full of energy which we put towards racing daddy to be ready first and in the car first. We even squeezed in some reading! She can now identify and sound out s a t p. Lots of sat and pat in our vocab at the moment!

We went to pick her up from Heidi and she was even more crazy than in the morning. Her and Joe were being insanely silly. Each facial feature activated a weird noise or action on Joe’s part. We had memory loss, Spanish mode and opera singing - to name a few.

Came home for dinner and she calmed down for about 10 mins before singing Smooth Criminal whilst eating dinner. When she asks Annie are you okay? She raises the eyebrows which I tried to capture in the picture!

Finally wiggles then bed.

She does make me smile even when she drives me crazy!

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