welcome to the real world

By dobbin

Day 29 in England

I got to take Shan to school today! We dropped daddy off at work then sang Shania songs all the way to school. It was nice to see her go in and start playing. She didn’t really talk to anyone but she happily sat at a table with others and played with play dough together.

Uncle Doug picked her up, which she always loves. He treats her like a princess! Toast with jam, raisins, a yoghurt and summer fruits to drink.

Shan and I went to Sainsbury’s to buy some garlic bread and we found the fire engine so of course we spent 5 mins there! It was a real highlight for her. She wanted to go on again after the shop but it was occupied which almost started a tantrum, but she kept her cool…

Yummy lasagne and garlic bread for dinner with corn, of course!

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