An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Mona Lisa smile...

Alan was in a chatty mood today.  Not easy for someone who doesn't speak to communicate...actually on second thoughts it is easy for him as he know's exactly what he's "saying" it's just he's relying on us eejits round about him to understand what it is!

Fortunately because I know him so well I usually have a good idea what he wants me to talk about.  Given that he's going on holiday on Friday I thought it a safe bet that would be the subject of interest.  It was a little, but clearly not the main topic he was interested in.

I ventured a few more suggestions but still didn't hit the jackpot and could see he was beginning to lose patience with me.  He is very good at eye pointing to things to give clues to what he's thinking or wants to talk about, so I asked him if there was something in his living room that would give me a clue and he looked towards the mantlepiece and the penny dropped immediately!  

Ah, Christmas?  There's a little Christmas gonk there that lives there all year round :-)  A resounding yes!  I should have picked up on it faster as he had looked towards the mantlepiece a number of times, but as the mantle piece is to his left, I assumed he was saying no to my questions (he looks to his right for yes and to his left for no when asked closed questions :-)

And so we had a conversation about Christmas.  Firstly how many sleeps till the big day? (91 :-) Who will be here on Christmas Day?  Christine as has been the tradition for the last 9 years.  He's VERY happy about that!  Will it snow?  Maybe :-) What films will be watched? Home Alone, Polar Express and Jungle Book!  And then I was dismissed!  :-)

Spent a pleasant couple of hours activity planning for blip pal's visit next week, then on to meal planning.  Our garden man N sent me photos of his two young sons who he wants me to create some paintings for.  He saw the autumn gonk paintings I did for Esme and he'd like me to do a couple for his boys.  The pics will help me personalise the gonks a bit and make them relatable to his two little cuties.  One lad is 6 and the other is three.  I think I am going to enjoy creating them.

Tesco order done and now at the coo's tail as usual.  Will do my best to catch up with journals tomorrow :-)

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