Family Dog

By Family_Dog

The fools on the hill...

We had some very sad news yesterday. Our good pal Geira finally lost her battle with cancer after an absolutely incredible, inspirational and courageous fight.

She was a beautiful girl - inside and out - and the world had less sparkle in it now. She was Orcadian and I always remember her telling us that her family are from a long line of people who believed they were descended from seal people. She might have been pulling our legs (she was a minx of extreme proportion) and I'd need to look into the myth/legend but ultimately I really want to believe in seal people and I really want to believe she's with them now, her people.

The kids can tell we're both very sad (probably got something to do with us staring off into the distance and crying) but whilst confused, they still expect us to behave exactly as we always do - and why shouldn't they?

So it's lucky for me that they have a new favourite game which involves standing at the top of the biggest hill at the links and rolling their buggies / scooters down to the bottom. Little interaction from me and much happiness from them.

We've got some friends coming over tomorrow who were close to Geira - Spag, Caroline and Ash. I'm looking forward to getting lost in some memories of her and remembering the good times.

Love you wee Geira // Gazebo // G-Force // Garibaldi x

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