
By davidc

Skittling around!

The inn where we stayed last night had a wonderful old skittle alley which I decided would make a suitably unusual blip. We didn't have a go, but the group from a local Women's Institute who were in for a meal last night had a great time using it!

We set off this morning for day 2 of our Thames Path walk but owing to the flooding we soon had to "skittle around", re-routing onto roads and/or tracks on higher ground to get to our scheduled accommodation tonight. This meant that our walk, which was supposed to be an easier one than yesterday at 9-10 miles turned into 15 miles so I think we'll all sleep well tonight!

The extra shows an example of the sort of flooding we're seeing around here - that's normally a green field! Fortunately at that point we could walk along an embankment by the side of the field, but at one point near the end of the walk we misjudged a puddle and it came over the top of our walking boots so we ended up with wet feet in spite of efforts to avoid that.

More heavy rain is forecast for overnight so I think our plans for tomorrow will be subject to change.

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