Keith B

By keibr

Two trees - Four moments - 1 & 2 of 4

Today's blip and extra, uploaded a day late, show the same two trees as tomorrow's blip and extra. The viewpoint differs slightly but not by much. The weather and light changes a lot.
I had taken today's two pictures before going to Film Studio and seeing the film "Perfect Day". I make a point of that because the idea was running in my head before I gained further inspiration from Hirayama's photos.
The main character takes pictures of the sunlight filtering through his favourite tree.
Here is a section of The Guardian's excellent review of "Perfect Day", describing a special Japanese concept...
"There is a Japanese word, “komorebi”, which was the original title of the film. Literally translated, it means “sunlight leaking through trees”, but there’s more to it than that. It speaks of a profound connection with nature, and the necessity to pause, to take the time to absorb and appreciate the perfection of tiny, seemingly insignificant details. Hirayama has not only grasped all of this, he has made it the keystone of his essence. He sees all things, all people, as equally important, with an equal capacity for transcendence. While other pedestrians ignore the vagrant who camps in a park, Hirayama watches in wonder as the man moves in his own dance of self-expression."
I loved this film, and I think it would be interesting for many "blippers". However, it is a very slow film so it's probably not for everyone. But if you like slow film (I do) this is a film for you.
The Guardian: "Perfect Days review – Wim Wenders’s zen Japanese drama is his best feature film in years"
And now on to tomorrow's two photos...

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