Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Mayia, Rhodes day 14

Homeward bound today on a daytime flight for the first time in ages. I had an early start to watch the sun rising and then we ate breakfast in a nearly deserted restaurant.  

We wandered down to the beach and took some photos and then back to the pool so I could have a final swim. We then showered, finished packing, took the cases down to reception and headed to the street cafés for a bite to eat before the taxi arrived. It was so much better than hanging around all day for a night flight.  The taxi driver actually took it easy and we arrived for our flight in plenty of time. Queueing at the airport was a nightmare but we got seats and our flight was only delayed by about 30 minutes.  Do they ever board a flight with time to spare?? 

Back in Birmingham,it took nearly an hour for our cases to be put out and then it was a quick dash to the station to catch our train home where Dad picked us up.  An almost perfect end to a fantastic holiday.  

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