Roll With It

By Falmike

Feeling It Today

I slept like a log, never heard the torrential rain, nor the early risers packing to leave. Not up to cooking breakfast I went for the camp cooked breakfast, much easier on my time and muscles. I ache more than at any time I can remember.
The trip home was the reverse of Friday’s outward leg, first stop Fleet Services, coffee and fruit toast, the difference this time, three drivers alighting their vehicles like geriatrics, the effects of yesterdays exertions definitely showing.
Next stop Exeter Services before arriving back at the boatyard, gigs unhitched and left until tomorrow to sort out.

Arriving home fifteen minutes after Mrs S had left for her night shift I was greeted enthusiastically by Paddy. Laundry basket topped up, a coffee on the settee and an early night.
Been a good weekend, rewarding and fun.

Todays photo is a montage of the crew I was lucky enough to row with yesterday.

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