
By Farmerboab

At long last....

A busy one today.
Once I'd been round all the cows,headed next door to bring the combine along the road to the field of oats here. Kev brought the header over on his tractor ,despite the header trailer having a soft tyre ,and the tyre valve being bent so we couldn't blow it up.
Sent him off to haul the last of the barley bales home from Gorebridge while I set about making a start cutting the 22 acres of spring oats. It was coming off the combine at about 19-19.5 % moisture. Not ideal,but at least if it's in the shed I can dry it. Better than going flat or shaking off with the wind.
Wee brother came and took over for a while ,so I went and ran more dried barley into a bin ,and spent a fun time shoveling up among the rafters.
Nipped out to check my calving cows. A new born one since this morning,but mummy a bit spooky,so left them to it. Hopefully it will suck ok.
Back on the combine at 5pm so wee brother could go round his cows.
For once the dampness didn't come down when the sun disappeared behind the Pentlands,so managed to keep cutting. Eventually finished by the back of 9pm. Not bad for a 37 year old combine and a 13 ft header.....

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