
By tridral

Drych, drych, wrth y wal

Drych, drych, wrth y wal  ~ Mirror, mirror, by the wall

“The black holes of nature are the most perfect macroscopic objects there are in the universe: the only elements in their construction are our concepts of space and time.”
― Subramanyam Chandrasekhar, (The mathematical Theory of Black Holes)

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Pwy yw'r decaf ohonyn nhw i gyd?

Rydw i'n hoffi'r pethau bod pobl yn gadael pethau i bobl arall eu cymryd. Weithiau maen nhw'n sbwriel, weithiau maen nhw'n ddefnyddiol, weithiau maen nhw'n gyfareddol. Heddiw, tra cerdded gyda Nor'dzin, gwelon ni'r drych hwn. Dydy e ddim peth rydw i eisiau yn fy nhŷ, ond rydw i'n cymeradwyo'r neges - rydych chi'n berffaith.
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Who is the fairest of them all?

I like the things that people leave things for other people to take. Sometimes they're rubbish, sometimes they're useful, sometimes they're fascinating. Today, while walking with Nor'dzin, we saw this mirror. It's not something I want in my house, but I approve of the message - you're perfect.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Drych wedi gadael wrth y wal gyda’r neges - rydych chi'n berffaith.
Description (English): Mirror left by the wall with the  message - you are just perfect
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