Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Alstromeria, white rose and candle.

The Feast Day of Saint Wenceslaus. Also Saint Lawrence Ruiz and companions.

This morning there was frost for the first time this year, on the neighbour's flat garage roof, our garden shed and the Onward bungalows for the elderly, I walk past to go to Best One shop for our newspaper.

It was 6c outside at 8:30am and 16c indoors. It was essential to have some heating on for a few hours but I haven't left it on all day. It got warmer as the day went on.

It was sunny after noon and I went to Ray's discount shop for some wool. Rain wasn't forecast, but there was a light shower as I was walking home.I have just completed the Granny blanket that is in this blip. It will be given to Happy Cats for their fund raising shop in Accrington. They are always overwhelmed with cats needing food, litter, vet care and good homes.

Paul is absorbed in playing Crossword Solitaire in the sunny conservatory. He is so good at it now. Holly is asleep in her cosy fleecy cat bed and Hunter has gone exploring in next door's garden. He comes home 3pm for his cat dental care biscuits. We chuckle, because his sense of timing is amazing.

We are going to watch Escape to the Country at 2:45pm and then Garden Rescue.
Tonight's evening meal is going to be Cottage pie. We used to call it Shepherd's pie, but we use Quorn instead of minced lamb, because I am mostly vegetarian. I indulge in Sea Bass once a week. We include plenty of vegetables including carrots, peas, corn, red onions and garlic, with a generous amount of mash and grated cheddar on top and Golden breadcrumbs. It's really good.

I hope you all have a lovely Saturday, keep warm and thank you for visiting my site today blip friends.

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