
By pandieb


An early (ish) start today as I was Parkrunning with some friends at Royal Victoria Dock in East London. It was a lovely morning, so different from yesterday, with a brilliant blue and cloudless sky. A tad on the chilly side though, I'm afraid the shorts might have had their last hurrah for this year.

By the time we'd all run and devoured coffees, cakes and bacon rolls, then got home again, it was lunchtime. I followed my very healthy delicious sausage roll with a bit of poking about in the greenhouse. I've never had much luck growing garlic but I'm determined to make it happen so today I've started some off in a pot, something I've not tried before. We'll see how that goes.  Hopefully the grass will be dry enough to cut tomorrow so I can rake it again and chuck some seed down. I've no idea why my back lawn looks like a park football pitch but it does. 

I have no plans so far for this evening although the food shopping isn't coming until Monday so it might be a take away. 

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