Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


After all that rain yesterday morning I was sure there would be lots of new fungi that had popped up overnight, so we went to the woods this morning with Xena for a walk while I kept an eye out for fungi hidden in the undergrowth. Unfortunately there were already three fungi pickers in the woods who were carrying plastic bags full of fungi, so there was not much left for me to see. I wonder why they don't have fungi picking rules in the UK, in Switzerland they have rules like no picking during the first 10 days of the month and one is limited to picking only 1 kg of fungi. I did find this little one hidden under some leaves so managed to focus stack it by laying my camera on the ground as once again I did not have  a tripod with me.

Today has been busy - when we got back from the walk I started making my gluten free chocolate torte for pudding for tomorrow's lunch. Once that was in the oven I started making lunch for today, as we had our friend S coming for lunch, she is our friend who sadly lost her husband in July., and she has just come back from LA where he died.

It was lovely to see her, she is remarkable and doing very well in the circumstances. We spent much time talking about R (her husband) and it strangely felt quite therapeutic to talk about him. We have been friends for over 20 years so we had much to reminisce on, and we still cannot believe he is no longer with us. Tommy was also at home so it was good for S to see him too. We had a BBQ lunch and although we sat inside it was so lovely and sunny with the light filling the room.

After S left and we had tidied up, I made a quinoa salad for lunch tomorrow, and planned what I had to do tomorrow morning so that everything will be ready when the guests arrive.

Tommy has gone to London to see some friends and Gavin and I will have a quiet evening. I finally got around to finishing off Sherwood which I thought was brilliant, Monica Dolan and Lorraine Ashbourne both playing their best roles and excelling, and have started watching Nightsleeper which I found riveting so far.

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