Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Give Us A Wave

It's late and we're happily shattered.  It was an early start and a walk down to Myrtle where I was setting up and Run Directing at Parkrun.  Tony is heading towards his 100th Parkrun so he took himself off to a different one, Oakwell Hall, this morning.  

Over 160 parkrunners today and a fantastic atmosphere in the sunshine.  After packing up Hobbler Sue and I drove up to the village cricket field to register for the Manorlands Hospice five mile walk and set off under blue skies on a route we know well across the Moor and through St Ives Estate.  Apparently, the amount raised so far is £2300, so well done to volunteers and walkers all.  Sue and I had cuppas and cake back at the cricket club then it was time for a quick turnaround at home before we were off again to RHS Harlow Carr where CLARO orienteering club had negotiated an orienteering sprint event, two races around the flower beds, ponds and woodland  towards the end of the afternoon and into early evening.  Another great event thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.  The organiser asked me to take photos and I'll process the 1000+ tomorrow.  I have no idea what they will be like because the light was already fading when the races were underway so there will probably be much deleting.  Those plus 600 + from Parkrun means a busy sedentary day tomorrow, quite welcome after my step total of 35 000 today!

Before I sit down at the computer though, I will be taking in the tape we put out yesterday!

My blip is taken of orienteers queuing up to start.  They are a happy lot and very obliging when I asked them to give me a wave!

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