From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

All or nothing? You decide..

It goes like that sometimes. I went out earlier and got the hose out and managed to wash out the seed dishes, top the bird bath up and water the shed and give that horrible big bear of a cat from over the back fence a colonic irrigation all at the same time while the fox lying half under the hedge laughed to himself. My hose technique has improved...

I decided today that I can't make do. I have seldom had patience. Blame my parents! One of my earliest memories was of my dad waking up 'little excited me' on Christmas Eve when we were living in Celle or Dusseldorf in Germany. Mom was with him and it was probably only 7pm.

'Santa Claus has come early!!' they told me. 'Come and open your presents!'
They got me one of those three way dolls that year. Stop being rude, you rotten lot at the back! It was one of those rag dolls with a long red dress and plaited orange hair and a freckly pink face. You could turn her upside down and flatten the skirt down while reversing the hat to reveal Granny in a flowery dress and glasses. If you turned Granny round and pulled her bonnet over her face, it revealed the long nosed grey faced wolf also wearing glasses.

My parents have never been patient enough to wait until Christmas Day. I don't give a shit about Christmas Day to be honest. From my point of view, I've always hated it as an adult. I've been desperate for the buses to run again so I can see the people I really care about and make me feel useful - work colleagues. The rest of it is all pretence. I've been making excuses and pretending to be happy for years; waiting for death; waiting for magic; waiting for something.....

Anyway, I am an 'all or nothing' person these days. I have decided to have NOTHING as it's easier.

These two happy chaps were amused at my attempts at picture taking outside the Garrick today. I got fed up of people crossing the road or parking up in front of the shop I liked. I whirled around and said 'Smile!'

Track? All Or Nothing

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