My day

By 59


I planted a couple more of these daisies last week and today tidied it up by cutting off 10 spent blooms. It is an unusual colour for my garden. Once these get established they usually grow well. Osteospermum ecklonis Serenity Rose Magic. 

I had a quiet day. Tony, our gardener has come to get some caravan parts we didn’t need including a portable washing machine we won’t use in the van and some electric movers which attach onto the wheels. He got a bargain and we were pleased to have a tiny bit more space in the garage. 

Bob loves doing programming and has just created a sudoku puzzle using linear programming and AI. I haven’t a clue how he does these things but I tried one out and solved it in about 15 minutes.  I did a few loads of washing and bit of gardening. My knee is much better today but I haven’t exerted myself and taken Panadol regularly. 

It’s gloomy but not cold and the forecast says lots of sunshine coming up. Sunshine makes a lot of difference. 

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