
By MumOf4Wildlings

Blip meet.

It was so lovely getting together with blipper Lizzie this morning.  And she had a good chat and hugs from my little dinosaur.  
Isn't blip a wonderful community.  This is the second time we have met in person.  But it feels like we have been friends for many years. I could have chatted with her all day. 

It's my mums birthday today and oh boy she had me worried this morning.  She sent me a message thinking it was Christmas and all the shops were closed and she had no food in her house. I'm wondering if she has a urine infection.  She did get a little peeved off when I also got two of my sisters to contact her. But seemingly she was just confused from having a good sleep. I'm not convinced though as I have suggested for a while that she has some kind of memory issue. Time will tell. She's a stubborn woman. But it was great to see her at the weekend.  

The wildlings have cheerleading tonight.  
I could do with going to bed for a decent sleep.  Thank goodness I get a shoulder injection in 3 weeks. Although I don't know what was worse last night , that or my back. 
I have only taken 1 pill today for it so that's progress.  

Haro and the wildlings have homework.  She's a smart wee cookie and has nearly finished it. The boys however are a whole different ball game. 

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