Almost too fast for me...

Even when I knew he was about to leap I almost missed it.

I was taking photos of Tony the peacock, perched up high in a tree grooming himself, when he decided that the ground looked like a better prospect. Not often you get to see a peacock in flight, and I've certainly never seen one from directly below before. He's actually flown from that branch behind him, and I expected him to dive below the next branch, not over it.

After spending yesterday in my armchair I thought I'd best get out for a bit today - and fortunately with an automatic car I don't need my left foot to drive. My intention was to have brunch and then go for a drive, but I think I was being a little optimistic so after my coffee I came home to re-visit my armchair.

The sparrows and finches are entertaining me again while I read my book.

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