
By TonyG

What We Wish For

I got a little of it when the kiln was unloaded this afternoon.   These three a selection from the dozen pieces of mine that emerged.  I am happy with all twelve of them :-)

A quiet day by and large.  It started early, introducing someone to Jamie who will provide occasional support.  We met for a cuppa and a chat in Gray's Coffee Shop on the High Street.   Then I popped into pottery to check on the cooling kiln.  It wasn't ready but as there were others to chat to, I stopped and rolled out some clay for the next pieces.   Then, in a dry slot, a walk with Meg from Bailey Bridge.  Cool and dull but dry and peaceful.   After lunch some kitchen sorting and tidying before a bit of admin.  I returned to pottery to find two different friends there so I stopped again and progressed with what I had started earlier.   The kiln emptying was much rejoicing for the three of us who all had pieces that turned out well.

An evening in preparing for a talk in Shrewsbury tomorrow evening, (730pm at Bayston Hill Community Centre, if you're in the area.)   The subject is alpines through 'The Four Seasons' with some music I hope and I will be selling pottery there too.

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