Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


This is the time of year when the "fruit" on our juniper trees is at its most delicious, drawing crowds of fruit eating birds like Cedar Waxwings.  I've been periodically going out front to peer at our grove of junipers, waiting... and today I was delighted to find a flock of at least 30 waxies working the trees.  Most were up high but a fair number were almost at eye level which allowed me to get some decent shots.  If you have had the joy of watching these birds feed, you know that they are quite acrobatic and frequently hang upside-down to pluck berries.  This one had been hanging down and either lost its balance or just decided it was time to move.  Either way, I got a fun shot. One more shot in Extra of a youngster doing the berry-toss.

I also released 7 monarch butterflies today, each flying in the memory of someone who is gone.  These butterflies are all destined to make their way to Mexico.  I have 12 more which will probably emerge within the next 3-4 days.  Unfortunately, several weeks ago when I spotted a tattered female depositing eggs all over my milkweed...the eggs were viable.  Now there are a dozen (maybe more) very tiny caterpillars eating milkweed in the garden.  This is one of those times when nature misfired because these caterpillars are 1) unlikely to become butterflies, and 2) even if they do, unlikely to make the journey south.  It is simply too late in the season and by the time they are ready to becomee butterflies, it will be early November.  The milkweed is already dying back and soon the temps will drop.  It truly pains me that there is nothing I can do about this other than just let them be.  I know it won't end well but I also know I can't do a thing about it.

I just picked Charlie up from the vet.  He had his teeth cleaned and two extractions so he is not a happy kitty.  I am going to go up and sit with him for a while, give him a little water and hope that he is content to snooze.  Only a small amount of soft food for his dinner tonight and then we can return to normal tomorrow.  Glad this is behind us, at least for another year or so.


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