
By antipodean


I was going to title this blip "This time I'm voting Green", which is the slogan on the posters people were waving at the refugee rally I saw today, but I realised that there was never any question I would vote green this year. They're the only political party I've ever voted for, and it looks like it'll stay that way for a long time.

I got up earlier than I wanted to today because I had the MIFF induction and volunteer training day. It was not nearly as boring as it could have been - I got a snazzy t-shirt, four more admit one passes, and lots and lots of information. My first shift is on Friday so here's hoping I can remember everything they told us! We get to use cool scanners for the tickets, so I think it'll be a lot easier than at Warwick.

As I left the induction, I walked right into the snap rally for refugee rights that the Greens organised yesterday. I'd wanted to go but I thought I would still be at the induction. I'm really glad I spotted it, though - it made me quite proud to see how many people were there, and although I didn't join them I completely agreed with what they were doing. For those who don't follow Australian news (don't bother, it's depressing), our esteemed Prime Minister announced a radical new plan for refugees that essentially punishes anyone who has the audacity to flee their country for a better life in our supposedly lucky country. I'm disgusted, I'm ashamed, and I'm scared about what this means for our country. I'm not sure I want to live in a nation that has just placed metaphorical fences around our border. I'm really, really hoping many wavering Labor voters vote Green this time.

I went out this evening with Julia's friend El's friends, which was a nice distraction from my fury. We went to her friend Rick's house in Hampton for pres (which involved my second game of kings this week), and then ended up back in Richmond at the Precinct. I left pretty early because I was super exhausted, but I had a lot of fun. They were a cool group of people.

I couldn't get great pictures of the rally, partly because I only had my prime lens, but mostly because it was pouring with rain and I didn't want to get my camera wet. I like this one though, because of the little girl in the front. She's got a few years yet before she can vote, but it's awesome that her parents are clearly getting her interested in politics early - mine did, and I'm super grateful for that!

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