An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

High Horse...

After plans for a visit earlier in the year had to be cancelled, Blipper xrayspexs finally made it to Scotland for a whirlwind visit.

After a day in Stirling yesterday, we picked him up at Gleneagles Station this morning before returning home for a lunch of homemade soup and some crusty bread.  We then headed to the Kelpies, always a popular destination with visitors.  Lola came too and was very excited to be out and about somewhere new.

We had a good wander round the Kelpies during which time the sky turned from grey to blue with scattered clouds.  The sun did make an appearance as forecast but there was a definite chill in the wind.

From there we went to the Falkirk Wheel.  It's a long time since we've been there and timed it well as the wheel was ready to turn not long after we arrived (see extra)  It really is a sight to behold and fascinating science behind it.  We visited the cafe afterwards and whilst enjoying a cuppa D astounded us by explaining it works using the Archimedes Principal.   Turns out he'd read one of the information boards outside the cafe :-))

We also watched a couple of boats entering and leaving the water basin at the foot of the wheel, via the lock.  The first vessel, a very long narrow boat, was expertly manoeuvred  into and out of the lock, however the second vessel, a much shorter boat, was driven by its captain (an American Lady) into the lock much faster than it should have been.  Eek!   For a moment I and everyone watching, including the lock keepers, thought she was going to drive it straight into the other side of the lock!  "Slow down!  Put in in reverse!" they called to her, but it seemed to take her a few seconds to act.  Thankfully by eventually putting it into hard reverse and ropes quickly being tied to bollards on the side, a disaster was averted!

We returned home via Glendevon and have had a lazy evening eating dinner, watching rubbish tv and P being befriended by Lola.  Thankfully he's a dog person! :-)

Now trying to decide the best route for tomorrow's adventures.  Loch Tay will be included but can't decide whether to go via Pitlochry, Loch Tummel and Queen's View, or via the Sma' Glen, Amulree and Glen Quaich.  Hmmm....decisions decisions!

I do love meeting Blippers for the first time (and from then on :-) as I love the fact although you are meeting them for the first time, they are already friends.  It's the wonder of blip!  

So good to finally meet you at last P and look forward to showing off some more of Scotland to you tomorrow...if only I can decide on the route!  :-))

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