Rodents rule

By squirk


Juno on his stool means he would like a morsel to eat, thanks very much. He can wait there for a long time. I'm sitting at my desk facing him, so he knows I'm aware. If he thinks I haven't spotted him, he'll move so the stool rocks a little, making a noise that will make me notice. Clever cat.

I've spent the day tidying up bits and pieces on the computer and sent out a few feelers. Hopefully, something will come of those. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the clean-up. I've dived out to plant some coleus that are large enough to survive, and so making space in the wee greenhouse for some wintering seedlings. It's dreich here, mostly. The pond's full at least.

We went to see The Outrun at the cinema. Only one of us had read the book, but I knew a smidgeon of what it was about. The film jumped about a bit at the start between different times, but steadied as the character settled into a less frantic sense of being. I thought it tremendously well done, from the soundscapes to the landscapes and terrific acting. The film ended on a euphoric note with This is the Day by The The accompanying the credits. Coincidentally, a group of us saw The The on Saturday and the singer recounted that when he wrote this song he was 19, living in a bedsit on the dole in the 80s, and he takes it as inspiration that good things will happen. He made it in the end. A fitting song to end the film.

I'm glad I've been to Orkney and experienced the waves, seals, and the cafe in Kirkwall. 

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