
By seizetheday


The day started well before the crack of dawn when I woke up needing to go to the bathroom, and realised that I could feel my heart beating. But it was missing beats, lots of beats...

It'll go back to normal when I get back to bed, I thought, but it didn't. Twenty minutes later I was getting worried, and Googled 'irregular heartbeat'. Surprised when it came up with the NHS website and a warning flag for the medication I've just started to take for high blood pressure! (Probably because I'd looked up the drug before starting to take it.) The advice was to call 999 which seemed a bit extreme as I felt perfectly OK, so I called 111 for advice. Go to A&E straight away, they said, so the long-suffering MrM drove me to the hospital in Huddersfield.

Luckily, it was very quiet for the early hours of Saturday (only one person came in accompanied by two police officers, handcuffed, in a wheelchair, and looked to be unconscious), so there wasn't a long wait to be seen. Within 45mins I'd had an ECG, a chest X-ray, and bloods taken. Then came the long wait for results - almost 6 hours. By which time my bum was numb (stainless steel chairs!), my heart was behaving itself again, I was pronounced fit, and discharged. Phew! No more of that particular medication for me!

Time for an hour in bed when we got home, before MrM had to leave to play at a ceilidh. 

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