Keith B

By keibr

Travelling North

I'll start by saying thank you for all the love you showed for my 11th blipversary picture yesterday. I was so happy the sun shone and the autumn colours were so gorgeous on the big day.
And now on to today...
On Saturday and Sunday we are brushing up our TaiChi skills in Tavelsjö. We'll be staying in 'Arry the camper van, and decided to set off a little early and enjoy a slow journey with a couple of overnights, before arriving for the course on Saturday morning.
About 90 minutes drive north of us is a town called Husum and we saw on the map that there was a beach just outside town with a parking area that welcomed camper vans for a reasonable 100 kr (£8). We arrived shortly after sunset and took the very short walk down to the beach where we saw this delightful view - a calm sea, a few swans, and beautiful soft pinks and blues in the sea and the sky.
Despite it being October there were two other camper vans that had found their way here. Both were German and I guess they are heading home after a late season trip. A chilly time of year for a trip, and no midnight sun, but no mosquitoes either!
Tomorrow morning the sun will be rising out of that water though there's a definite risk of sea mist. We shall see...

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