
Well a small bigwig. Michael D Higgins 9th current President of Ireland possibly of Leprechaun parentage! attending the 1,450th anniversary of St Columba,s arrival on Iona
Along with him in the poipul kit is Fiona Hyslop Scottish Cultural & Extrenal Affairs Meenister in the Scottish Gov followed by an entrouage of politicians, counellors, media, Provosts, Tv scrum three bards, and an imported piper (Mull folks were annoyed the piper had to be imported as they have very able champion pipers on Mull itself!

There was an entire football team of Security present (they really didnt need to worry that much about my saftey) The hobnobs were ferried to Iona by special boat, the rest of us plebes had to buy our own ticket and slum it on the Calmac ferry! We then followed the (imported) piper up the raod like a plague of multi coloured rats and into the village hall to listen to speeches. The wee gnome gave a very long winded speech and I was losing the will to live but felt cheered up when I saw one of the security guards mopping his furrowed brow ever two minutes. thought he was going to keel over at one point. Fiona Hyslop isnt the best speaker either that or their sound system was crap! Then when we thought it was all over on came this wee Irish farmer looking like he was straigh out the potatoe field and had just parked his wee grey Fergie tractor and cam in to give a speech entirley in Irish! Now having just come from Ireland, my Irish understanding isnt too bad but this wee bodach mumbled all the way. Finally our own Gaelic BArd Angus P Campbell lightened the load with a very good, humerous short talk (he should be a speech writer for politicians him, he would get them more votes)

After that all the important folk were whisked off to the Abbey for lunch leaving us somewhat bemused and hungry! so we went off forraging for our own grub which turned out to be very good. Chubby hubby & I had teamed up with another old fellow and we just plootered about and checked out the Abbey etc then buggered off as the old boy with us was feeling the heat and rather than leave him on his own we managed to get a lift for him back to his digs. (I cant help but think that Columba had more time for the poor than the gentry, I remember one story of a tough Irish monk kicking in the door of the French Court and balling them out for their lavish life style!

Anyhow we ended the day in Tobermory with friends , excellent barbeque and some very fin wine and had a good laugh while the bigwigs were forced to listen to some ancient singers and performers but in all fairness they probably had a good time too.

All day the Saw Doctors song about Michael D Higgins was going through my head so here are the lyrics. He seemed a very genuine and cultured wee guy so good luck to him
Happy blipping all

Michael D Higgins rocking in the Dail

It might be raining and it might be cold,
and the bishops gone and left the fold,
oh we're standing proud and we're walking tall,
we got michael d rocking in the dail for us
michael d rocking in the dail
in the cabinet
the shining star for all who strive
to live and love creative lives
the signers on with great ambitions
the mighty open blind dead visions

we got michael d rocking in the dail for us
michael d rocking in the dail
in the cabinet michael d rocking in the dail for us
michael d rocking in the dail

poet of peace and the poet of words
of the beckoning free thinking world
the poet of every class and colour
crime parades and brave young mothers

we got michael d rocking in the dail for us
michael d rocking in the dail
in the cabinet
michael d rocking in the dail for us
michael d rocking in the dail

the time has come and nows our chance,
to sing and smile, get up and dance
he's got the job no better man,
[ From: ]
ye've life on ye michael do all that ye can,
welcome in and shifted age
we don't ask more and we've turned the page

we got michael d rocking in the dail for us
michael d rocking in the dail
in the cabinet michael d rocking in the dail for us
michael d rocking in the dail
michael d rocking in the dail

michael d michael d, up and he's michael d michael d michael d givin his all
michael d michael d, up and he's michael d michael d michael d up in the dail

michael d michael d, up and he's michael d michael d michael d givin his all
michael d michael d, up and he's michael d michael d michael d up in the dail

michael d lectured me in sociology, i was in UCG fur the degree
for social policy, global equality, he was the king of the arts faculty

michael d lectured me in sociology, i was in UCG fur the degree
for social policy, global equality, he was the king of the arts faculty

michael d michael d, up and he's michael d michael d michael d givin his all
michael d michael d, up and he's michael d michael d michael d up in the dail

michael d michael d, up and he's michael d michael d michael d givin his all
michael d michael d, up and he's michael d michael d michael d up in the dail

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