
By tridral

Bob carreg, stori.

Bob carreg, stori.~ Every stone, a story.

“A photograph is an opportunity to keep a moment forever.”
― Destin Sparks

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Rydw i'n hoffi'r mynwentydd oherwydd rydw i'n eu ffeindio lleoedd o heddwch a gorffwys yng nghanol brysurdeb bywyd. Os ddych chi'n edrych yn agosach, rydych chi'n ffeindio bod pob cerrig beddau yn awgrymu straeon heb eu hadrodd straeon, straeon o fywydau pobl gyffredin. Gŵr a oroesodd hanner can mlynedd o’i wraig, gwraig a fu farw yn fuan ar ôl i’w mab gael ei ladd yn y rhyfel byd cyntaf. Calon wedi torri, efallai. Dwysdeimlad ym mhobman. Rydw i'n ffeindio fy hun yn gobeithio bod rhywun yn gwybod eu straeon ac yn eu cofio.

Mae'r fynwent yr unig gyfle i bobl gyffredin gadael rhywbeth bach am eu bywyd, enw, dyddiadau, stori, cerflun. Nawr rydw i'n ffeindio rydw i eisiau arweinlyfr i holl y bobl a'u bywydau.

Mae'r garreg fedd hon yn edrych fel mae hi wedi cael ei thrwsio yn ddiweddar. Mae'r hen rannau'n llwyd ac mae'r rhan newydd yn wen. Mae'n dda i weld bod rhywun yn edrych ar ôl y beddau.
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I like the cemeteries because I find them places of peace and rest in the midst of the busyness of life. If you look closer, you find that each gravestone suggests untold stories, stories from the lives of ordinary people. A man who survived his wife by fifty years, a woman who died shortly after her son was killed in the first world war. A broken heart, perhaps. Poignancy everywhere. I find myself hoping that someone knows their stories and remembers them.

The cemetery is the only opportunity for ordinary people to leave something small about their life, a name, dates, a story, a statue. Now I find I want a guidebook for all the people and their lives.

This headstone looks like it has been repaired recently. The old parts are gray and the new part is white. It is good to see that someone is looking after the graves.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Carreg fedd wedi ei thrwsio, Yr Eglwys Newydd, Caerdydd
Description (English):  Repaired gravestone, Whitchurch, Cardiff
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