Day 4 - Xian, China

Yesterday we made it to Xian. Today's trip brought us to the famous Terracotta Warriors. The history was amazing, the warriors fierce, and the tourists abundant.

A few farmers found the site of the warriors when they were digging a well. Since then, 7 pits have been found in that area. Visitors are allowed to see three of them, but there is still plenty of excavating to be done. So much has been learned from this find. Other emperor graves and their relics have been found as well. The amazing thing is that each of these warriors are life size, with a unique face. There are foot soldiers, archers, chariot drivers with their horses, and captains.

The emperor had all these warriors made to accompany him when he died. Originally the plan was to burry the real army alive. However, a very wise advisor to the emperor suggested making clay warriors instead, a decision that changed what would have been a mass grave into a peek into history.

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