Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Doon the water

A day out on the water was called for as our last flurry. Rob had suggested Trekoner island as being an interesting place to visit. We got a '24 hour' all day ticket on the HOHO Ferry (Hop On Hop Off).

Trekroner was interesting. It's a tiny wee island which was used, as well as several others, to defend Copenhagen (and Denmark) from attack. Chiefly from the English.

During the Battle of Copenhagen, Nelson famously put his telescope to his blind eye and disregarded the orders to retreat. The battlements are all left there- huge long empty corridors with rooms and small windows looking out to sea (which were for the cannons). Of course all this wasn't in place in Nelson's time- there were just tents, but it was heavily fortified during both World Wars.

We were dropped off there from the HoHo Ferry and that gave us time for a wander around and be ready for the ferry to come back.

We then proceeded down the harbour, popping in at various places on the way, for passengers to HOHO. We could see the Copenhageners at play. It was an extremely hot day, and everyone was out by the river, relaxing by little temporary 'beaches' with deck chairs, fake palm trees and Hawaiian umbrellas, or sitting on their yachts (why weren't they out in them?) or swimming in the several sea water pools. The harbour has been so cleaned up, it's safe for people to swim in.

We Hopped Off at the swimming pool and found a convenient bench, in the shade, right opposite where the high diving/jumping was taking place. What entertainment! I took loads of photos, in between mouthfuls of delicious sandwich. There was also a long lap pool and a toddlers' pool. Fantastic resource.

We had headphones and there was a commentary on all the sights, with a few history lessons thrown in. I learned about King Harald Bluetooth, who was king of Norway and Denmark, but came to a sticky end at the hands of his son, Sweyn Forkbeard.

Ericsson named the communications protocol after this king, ostensibly due to his abilities to make diverse factions communicate with each other. Its logo is the Nordic Runes HB (Harald Bluetooth).

As we came into Nyhavyn - which, it must be said, was a huge roasting oven for tourists stuck in open topped boats - on one bridge we saw three Santas! (HoHoHo!)

We got the bus home. It was just too hot to walk. Both zonked out - possible sunstroke. I don't think we'll be taking a last stroll down to the water this evening!

I just couldn't decide what shot to use - the daft folk leaping and diving off the high board, Santa at Nyhavyn, or Tre Kronner Fortress. In the end I decided on this building which I've photographed several times from passing ferries. I really like the repetitive blue windows.

We had a lovely evening last night with Rob. Unfortunately, Mrs Rob, (L) couldn't come, but we sent a piece of chocolate cake home for her. Meeting him here has increased our enjoyment of the city no end!

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