
By NinjaShoe

Sweet things

Bees and boys like sweet things.....

We had planned a family walk with the dog this morning and to stop the grumbling (novelty of the dog walks has long since worn off) I gave Sam £2 to go to the shop to choose some "encourager's".

These usually take the form of a big bag of sweets that are distributed at regular intervals on the walk when people are feeling hot/tired and generally in need of encouragement...

Sam came back with 10 bars of chocolate for the entire £2, and ate the ONE I said he could have, in the car on the way there.....

So that strategy didn't work today- and it wasn't until I gave him the camera that the grumbling stopped. In the end it was fun, with the boys throwing a ball to each other playing "piggy in the middle" with the dog in the middle never giving up.....

It was really good to get out with the family into the beautiful countryside that we have around here.

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