
By TonyG

Work in Progress

It's a pottery EB I guess, the lovely sunny day having drifted towards a grey sunset by the time I got home from work.  The mug was born earlier this week, it's shape in no small part due to it having been a bit thick at the base when it first came off the wheel.  Back on a turning wheel when it had dried a little, I trimmed off as much of the surplus as I dared.  I like how it looks now :-)    The side plate  was referred to a couple of blips ago ... shall I make myself a set?

Feeling less washed out than yesterday, work went well.  Mostly quiet but with a busy hour in the middle of the day when walking parties and a train all turned up.  In a six hour day we took over half the money in that one hour!   After work I dropped in to pottery to collect some work that had come out of the kiln earlier on and stopped to roll out a big slab, use  a pattern roller on it and set the slab over one of a set of forms that one of the community recently and very generously, donated.  An extra pic of how it looks as I type this late in the evening.

Food, a walk for Meg, a chat to Ruth, some seed sorting ready to donate to exchanges while listening to folk songs.  Work again tomorrow so bedtime beckons.

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